Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Political Junkie, Part 9 and about done

It is 2:27 am here. We've got a US Democratic House and I am still watching Montana to see if it gets call before I go to minimal mental operation. So what stands out to me...

1) Missouri surprises me for once by electing a Democratic female to US Senate and passing a pro-stem cell research measure. The suburban vote outdid the outstate rural vote in both of those races. In fact, the two races tracked almost exactly.

2) Virginia continues to be interesting. Will there be a recount? 2000 Florida all over again? Will Republicans pay for it if it will decide the Senate?

3) There are some US House seats that may change from current numbers as a few recounts seem likely. The Democrats look to be at +30 or better. Mostly it is Iraq, but a few adds came from corruption providing openings to Democrats. Tom Delay's district is now Democratic. God Bless America.

4) In Minnesota, the Democrats did very well in all state government elections, but couldn't take the governorship. That will be laid right at Democratic candidate Mike Hatch and his loudmouth jerk tendencies.

5) What will Bush do? Nothing in his presidency indicates he will reach out to Congress. He didn't reach out to the Republican Congress why would a man who believes in the unitary executive reach out to a Democratic House (and maybe a Senate).

No more blogging tonight. I can watch results, but brain activity too low to write very coherently.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to check the on-line FM Forum to see about my old home state. Dems did well in the state legislature races but I love the picture of baseball player Tony Clark instead of the PSC Commissioner Tony Clark...did they do that in the printed version?

9:07 AM  

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