Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Impeach Him

No, not W, it is his Attorney General that deserves it first. Go to TPMmucraker.com and see the atrocities from today's Senate hearing. The man is a liar, corrupt and incompetent. W will never fire him since Alberto (aka Fredo) protects W from a real Attorney General who would not act as an extension of the president, but the people's top law enforcement officer. W only wants law enforced to fit what he wants to do. A real Attorney General could stop some of Dick and W's illegal data mining and other activities. Thus, impeachment by the House and a trial to remove him from office by the Senate is the only option. Will the Senate Republicans vote for removal? I'm not sure. They don't like him and want him to go, but the 2/3rds required to remove may be too far. I'd would advocate that trapping him into a prostitution ring could be an option, but Sen. Vitter doesn't seem to be going anywhere.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no way more than three or four Republicans in the Senate would vote to convict. As you say, a real AG would launch multiple investigations of all the wrongdoing of the past seven years. That's the last thing the GOP needs going into an already difficult election year.

Instead, they would argue that the Democrats were wasting valuable time on personal vendettas while FAILING TO FUND THE TROOPS. And the press would, of course, dutifully parrot this line.

If the Dems don't have the stomach to fight back against the cancellation of the Fourth Amendment, they certainly don't have the guts to do anything bigger. (Bonus cynicism: they also don't want to offend Hispanic voters by trying to take down the highest-ranking Latino in government just at the time that Republican anti-immigration nutjobs are turning these voters into lifelong Democrats.)

7:00 AM  
Blogger Suzanne Lanoue said...

I don't think anyone wants impeachment this late in the game. I think the Dems are worried that if there was any impeachment, that it would distract people from the election, and the war, and hurt their chances. I just wish the election was 2007 instead of 2008. It's hard to believe we have another year and a half of all these bozos.

5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should read this.

8:20 PM  

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