Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Long Ago Was 1981?

Among the various blogs I read was a 1981 TV news report on receiving the newspaper on your computer.

Watch it and see how far away 28 years can look.


Blogger JVaughan said...

I recall a verse, in _Daniel_ I feel virtually certain, which tells us that "many shall go (or run?) to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

J. V.

5:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A rotary telephone??? In 1981??? These people could envision the future of information delivery and they couldn't even graduate to 1970s communications technology?

Seriously, though, I wonder if the guys at the Examiner had any idea that they were feeding the first servings of hemlock to their golden goose? Even with a quarter century head start, the newspaper business never could craft a business plan that would allow them to survive the advent of the internet. (And there is a certain eeriness in hearing the TV reporters chirping away about how this unwieldy and expensive technology obviously presents no threat to the old reliable broadsheet; it's as though we had old film clips of blacksmiths laughing at those newfangled horseless carriages chugging by a 5 miles an hour.)

In my pessimistic moments, I wonder if those of us in the higher ed biz shouldn't take a lesson from all this.

7:41 AM  
Blogger JVaughan said...

Our _MOST_-annoying, in my personal view, all-news radio station recently took a telephone poll as to how listeners got their news, whether from the Internet or from traditional newspapers, though I now regret not having paid close attention to the results since they would obviously have been relevant here.

J. V.

p.s. Given my visual limitation, I tend to get most of mine from the radio, supplementing my specialist interests via the Web.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Barb, I graduated from college in 1981 and started at DST in '82, when did Dad get his Mac? I remember that when Windows came to us at work, I wasn't very impressed since Dad's Mac had a product that looked a lot like Windows. Also, question, besides "in house" programs and email, did Dad have the ability to "surf?" jan.jan

7:12 PM  
Blogger JVaughan said...

Out of curiosity, and begging your pardon for possible ignorance, did they actually have computers of that type back as far as the early 80's? I took my first computer literacy course in the late 80's at the agency for the blind at which I was working then, and the computers on which we were learning were IBM and DOS-based. It is my current understanding that the Internet as we now know it bdegan to come into its own in the 1990's.

I hear good things about Macs, how they are virus-free according again to my current understanding, but I further gather that they are behind Windows-based computers in use of adaptive/assistive technologies for the blind and visually-impaired, thus me sticking with windows for now at least.

Hoping that this finds both of you well, and with best wishes,

J. V.

p.s. I trust you understood me to say that I understood the Internet as we now know it to _BEGIN_ to come into its own in the 90's.

7:37 PM  

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