Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Celebrity to the Rescue

Iraq is a seemingly endless mess. Lebanon is being destroyed as we watch on cable news. Nasty small wars continue in Chechnya, the Sudan and elsewhere. Bascially, the news universally sucks. Where do we go for rescue? To our celebrity heroes who provide us the needed relief from reality.

No, not "Superman Returns" or "Pirates of the Carribean." Our rescue comes from a drunken Mel Gibson.

Mel's drunken rantings has lifted all of us from the horror that is the real world. There are photos. There is a a yet to be released audio tape. There is the obligatory mug shot and multiple apologies from Mel. All of this lifts us up and reminds us that we create celebrities in part to revel in their fall. Mel's bigotry and battle with alcohol is irrelevant to our real lives. Thus, we spend a lot of time talking about it. It's not global warming or stagflation fears, it's just another celebrity gone bad. And this poor performance didn't cost $8.50 at the box office.

On a day that I spent waiting for news on the outcome of a family member's major surgery, Mel's idiocy and our obsession with it made me smile. The surgery went well and I end the day thankful for good doctors and stupid celebrites. Both made me smile today.


Blogger JVaughan said...


There was to have been an update on these matters on our all-news radio station last evening or before, but I must have left became they came on.

I honestly have yet to hear the apparently-anti-Semitic comments for which Mr. Gibson is being criticized, but I will say this if I may--these and his drunk driving are blotss which conservative Christianity does _NOT_ need, particularly given the success, at least in some quarters, of _The_ _Passion_ _Of_ _The_ _Christ_.

Hoping this finds you well,

J. V.

1:59 PM  
Blogger JVaughan said...

I am ashamed to admit that reading your response to an earlier comment was needed to jar me in to realizing that you currently have a significant personal issue, the health of a loved one. It is thus good to know that the surgery went well, and I wish this individual as speedy a recovery as possible!

J. V.

2:16 PM  

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