Random Thoughts
Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. There is football. There is serious baseball. There are the best holidays on the horizon. And every other year there is an election for political junkies like me. I'll be commenting on most if not all in the days to come. Today just some random thoughts.
1) Whatever your favorite team did Sunday...calm down. Keep repeating, "It is only the first game."
2) For all the crappy leadership provided by baseball commissioner Bud Selig, he did get the wild card in play. This year, once again, it is proving to make the last month of the baseball season much more exciting.
3) Keith Olbermann is simply marvelous.
4) Democratic line for 2006: Republicans aren't capable of protecting you.
Republican line for 2006: Democrats don't want to protect you.
My line: Anyone want to actually tell me how much danger we actually face as opposed to how much we might someday face if horrible things happen? [Insert chirping crickets here.]
5) Now that the Syrians have prevented numerous deaths in an attempted attack on our embassy, does that mean that GW Bush will actually talk to them?
I am far from the most knowledgeable of football fans, but even I know that, had the Redskins not sustained those stupid penalties, including two face-masks if I recall aright, I think they _MAYBE_ could have pulled that game out on Monday evening!
On an _ENTIRELY_ different and off-topic note, I gather that a new trojan was detected on 9-11, and I fear it may havee infected my computer since all sorts of ads are now appearing out of nowhere. At first I thought it was an unsolicited Google Toolbar, and _MAYBE_ some of it is, but again I am legally blind, and cannot see such things. A new volunteer sent me by Services for the Visually Impaired in the Washington suburb of Silver Spring, Maryland, may be available to help me on Friday (this issue had not come to my attention when I spoke with him a couple of days ago), so may he _PLEASE_ be able to help before irreparable damage, if there is indeed potential for such, is done!
J. V.
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