Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Jesus

Before disappearing until after the new year, I thought I'd post on the favorite Christmas tradition from my childhood -- the birthday party for Jesus.

The United Methodist Church where I was baptized and given most of my religious training has a wonderful tradition each December. One Sunday evening a week or two before Christmas, the congregation and whoever else wants to come gathers for Jesus' birthday party. The official program is led by all Sunday School kids from pre-school through high school. There are songs, scripture readings and little skits. It's mostly fun and no one really cares how religious the songs are as long as the kids have fun. Plus, the congregation brings "gifts" for the needy. Each year, you get a list of needs for families in need and you pick some to bring, often wrapped with an identifying tag, to the sanctuary. At the end of the programs, the congregation bring their gifts to the altar like the 3 wise men. There was often a couple and a baby representing the holy family. We had a large congregation when I was growing up, so the altar got covered in presents. Then came the best part... Three or four men carried in a multilayer cake and the lights went down. We would all then sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. When I was smaller we would join the crowd downstairs for cake and punch. As I got older we started skipping the fattening part of the celebration.

I always thought the birthday party for Jesus was much more in the sentiment of the sharing of Christ love than any serious worship service. We gave to one another and to strangers. It wasn't extravagant but it was overwhelmingly filled with love and the true spirit of Christmas.

To everyone out there, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and God bless you with a little birthday joy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds like a fun celebration and what a good idea!

I see you are still away...hope you had a great Christmas. What did you get?

Happy new year!

1:32 PM  
Blogger redbarb said...

I got a rug made by grandparents from my dad plus a 1922 silver dollar. My two brothers gave me a set of dishes because one of my sisters seems to have forgotten that she gave me dishes 2 years ago. That sister did get me this cool book on presidential doodles. Another sister got me a Christmas tree made of bells for which I know want to find something that will shake it periodically on its own. Do you know of any small earthquake makers? I also got a nice picture of my aunt and uncle and some pictures of my youngest nieces. Some friends sent me some metal artwork and another friend gave me a little "Meowy Christmas" cat dish shaped like a fish. The latter is a clear sign that my cats are loved more than I.

11:16 AM  

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