Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Returning to Ramble

I had nothing to rant about for the past several weeks, but now I am having a sick day and feel like rambling to no one in particular. See I'll start now and update as I wish to ramble through the day.

11:30 CST
Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!
Scooter Libby is convicted for perjury and reminds us all the key lesson.... Never tick off a prosecutor. If you are not sure what to say, ask a lawyer before you answer the investigator's questions. Don't make up stupid lies that are easy to reveal or you too could face the wrath of an angry prosecutor.

Lessons from Sunday School The hatred spouted by Ann Coulter and all others from the various houses of hate who can only argue by verbal violence leads me to invoke one of the lessons I learned in Sunday School. Someone needs to ask her, "Do you hate yourself so much that you must hate others to feel better?" This is an area where psychologists, Buddhists, Christians and Star Wars all agree. Hatred does greater harm to those who hate than it does to those they hate. Coulter must really have intense self-hatred issues given that her entire professional career is based upon her hatred for liberals, gays, Democrats, moderates, Muslims, secular humanists and humans in general unless they are paying to hear or read her hate.

12:05 CST
The Presidential Commission Dodge
Bush has appointed a new commission to look into the debacle at Walter Reed and also look into the VA facilities for our mounting returning wounded from his FUBAR Iraq War. This is a classic presidential dodge to avoid questions on the matter. From now on you will hear W and his spokespeople say, "We await the report from the commission." W can't tell you that he never bothered to even ask about the needs of wounded vets; he's waiting for the commission. W can't answer if this is another example of his failure to plan for his FUBAR Iraq War beyond landing on an aircraft carrier in a flight suit and using the war to gain re-election; he's waiting on the commission.
Well W, the Libby trial is over. Will you now answer questions about the facts of your vice-president and top political advisor's roles in the leak of a CIA operative? Sir...? Sir...?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two quick thoughts:

1. I think you give Ann Coulter too much credit. I'm not she truly hates anyone. She just another ambitious person with limited talent who has to shock the senses in order get the attention she craves. Kind of like Andrew Dice Clay, or the toddler who runs through the dinner party naked. And now that there is a younger, prettier version running around (the despicable Ms. Malkin), I think we can expect more and more extreme rantings from Ms. Coulter as she tries to squeeze that final drop of recognition out of her repellant career.

2. I like how the right is trying to claim that the Scooter verdict is much ado about nothing. After all, nobody was even brought up on charges for "outing" Valerie Plame, and Richard Armitage was supposedly the leaker, anyway. Funny how they never address this question: if Scooter, Rove, and Cheney were involved in the leak, then why did Scooter need to lie to the Grand Jury? I mean, we all know why Bill Clinton lied. But, unless something improper was going on with Cheney, why would Scooter lie?

10:54 AM  
Blogger redbarb said...

From Michael Savage to Coulter to Malkin to whomever is next, the schtick may be "shock jock" language but the hatred is real. The right-wing relies upon villans to maintain their status as victims. Like a superhero comic book character needs a criminal genius with unlimited resources to be interested, those who fuel their politics with fear need the extreme language of hate to fuel the flames and justify their own bad acts.

As for the Libby response, is there any real surprise that the folks who brought us the ridiculous Ken Starr Report (porn on the public dime) and its sequel the Clinton impeachment are complete hypocrites when the lies are to cover the lies used to authorize the Iraq War? What I've never understood is why the Bush/Cheney/Rove reaction to Wilson's op-ed was so violent. In the pliant media, congressional and public environment of the summer of 2003, why did this scare them? Why couldn't they just ignore it? Arrogance of those who thought they could do no wrong I guess.

1:55 AM  

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