Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Photos Take Two

These are a few photos from our trip so far. Could post lots more, but those with dial-up will have to wait long enough as it is.

Shakespeare's Home in Stratford-on-Avon (July 13, 2008)

From the Battle Proms (July 12, 2008)

A Spitfire buzzes the field.

Napoleonic era cavalry walk about.

All of the action is held on a field at Burghley House.

Lincoln Cathedral taken from the top of the wall at Lincoln Castle (July 11, 2008)

I didn't take as many pictures in Bath, but I bought more stuff. Janet went Jane Austen crazy and we all had a marvelous time. We stopped at Stonehenge for a "photo op" on the way to Salisbury Cathedral and the last choir concert. We are now in our Imperial College dorm rooms in the Kensington section of London. We are literally down the street from the British National Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Royal Albert Hall. After arriving and getting checked in, almost a dozen folks trusted me to correctly read my street map toward Harrod's. I got everyone there and back. It was very easy once I correctly figured out where we were starting from. Now people think I know my way around. Very frightening.

Tomorrow Janet and I are off to a Doctor Who exhibition (our geekiness must be fed after all those cathedrals) and probably some of the nearby museums (which are free) and a bit of Hyde Park as well if it's not raining. Friday we have St. Paul's, Westminister and the London Tower all on the list of places we want to see. We'll get as much as we can in before heading to the airport very early Saturday morning. Not nearly enough time for anything more than a touch of London, but with so much else done we can't complain much.


Blogger JVaughan said...

I do not know the why nor wherefore of this trip, but, whatever it was, it is a _JOLLY_ pity, in my opinion at least, that more time was not allotted for touring London at least!

J. V.

8:59 AM  
Blogger redbarb said...

The trip is with a church choir. It was organized around 3 choir performances, including 2 at cathedrals. London was not the focus. Besides, it would have taken all our money right off.

1:39 PM  
Blogger JVaughan said...

Your point, obviously well-made, must regretably be conceded in these days of ever-rising prices.

If you would care to say, are you a member of this choir, or are you along in some sort of support capacity? The fact that it has this opportunity hopefully suggests that it is a particularly-good choir!

I look forward to further good fellowship come September at least! I for one hope that the changing of the guard here will pproduce favourable results!

J. V.

2:15 PM  

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