Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Highly Recommended Reading

I don't write much here on what other blogs say. I think I know most of the folks who read this bit of scribbling and they don't need me to link to my favorite liberal blog post of the day. However, Glen Greenwald is an excellent writer who blogs for Salon. He wrote today on how both the Bushies and some of the anti-Bushies oversimplify the world and the dangers of such simplification. It is an excellent introduction to his work and I want to recommend that you be willing to wait out any ad Salon pops up at you and read it:

I am teaching presidential elections today so expect a post on some of my observations on that race soon.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Insert Curse Here

The phrase "cost of war" became a bit less hypothetical for my family today. My nephew's Army Reserve unit is headed to Iraq for an 18-month tour either at the end of this year or early next year.

His Commander-In-Chief does not deserve him. He doesn't deserve any of those who have answered the call to military service.

Stupid FUBAR War. Stupid FUBAR President.

Support the troops. Pray for Peace. Bring Them Home.