Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Impeach Him

No, not W, it is his Attorney General that deserves it first. Go to TPMmucraker.com and see the atrocities from today's Senate hearing. The man is a liar, corrupt and incompetent. W will never fire him since Alberto (aka Fredo) protects W from a real Attorney General who would not act as an extension of the president, but the people's top law enforcement officer. W only wants law enforced to fit what he wants to do. A real Attorney General could stop some of Dick and W's illegal data mining and other activities. Thus, impeachment by the House and a trial to remove him from office by the Senate is the only option. Will the Senate Republicans vote for removal? I'm not sure. They don't like him and want him to go, but the 2/3rds required to remove may be too far. I'd would advocate that trapping him into a prostitution ring could be an option, but Sen. Vitter doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

For My 45th Birthday...

On my 12th birthday, August 9, 1974, Richard Nixon resigned. I hated him. He ruined my birthday. I was 12, what did I know about the country or the Constitution.

For my 45th birthday, I would be thrilled to have George W. Bush and Dick Cheney resign. It would bring me and a clear majority of the country great happiness and help preserve the rule of law under the limits on power set by the Constitution. President Pelosi doesn't sound too bad either.

If you missed it, you need to see Keith Olbermann's call for W and Dick's resignations. This is another powerful commentary from the only network anchor with the guts to say it on air. If you have a slow Internet connection, you can read the commentary instead of waiting for the download. Dreaming of their resignations is a great way to observe July 4th. We have another imperialistic head of state who needs to be removed. W believes he is above the law and ordained by God just like ol' George III. What he does is "right" because his enemies are "evil." Never mind what the public wants; the Constitution requires; or where a recognition of reality leads. Also never mind these words from Jesus Christ...

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God…But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Matthew 5:9; Luke 6:27-31 (New Revised Standard Bible via beliefnet.com)

On this Independence Day, may God's love bring a little peace to all those affected by W's wars, crimes and corruption.

Monday, July 02, 2007

W learns from Watergate

W has commuted Scooter Libby's prison sentence. Scooter now is free from facing prison, but can still appeal and continue to refuse to tell the truth about the White House's efforts to discredit Joe Wilson's criticism of a lie W told about Iraq by outing Wilson's wife the CIA intelligence operator. The prosecutor can't use the reduction of time to get the truth. Scooter can also use the 5th Amendment to stonewall Congress' questions.

This is the first time I know of such a blatant use of the president's constitutional powers of pardon and commutation to cover up White House activity. Even Nixon didn't try this with the Watergate burglars or any of his former aides who did end up in jail unlike Dick Cheney's pal Scooter. Clearly, W has learned from Watergate to destroy any records, stonewall until you leave office and make sure those who lie for you don't have to go to jail. Nixon's crimes could be fully uncovered because the taping system provided the inescapable evidence. Reagan's buddy Ollie North shredding the evidence in Iran-Contra, but much of that is still fully none. With W and Cheney's continuing efforts to block anyone's attempt to know what they are doing, we may never really know how many crimes were committed by this version of a corrupt presidency.