Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Liveblogging Entries From Obama's Speech

To read these in order of entry, start at the bottom and work your way up.

Now, to wrap this up. Obama once again shows the power of his talent as a speech maker. He also laid out a clearly activist government set of proposals. Liberal activists will never be fully satisfied, but this is the best chance they have had for truly liberal policies, such as national health care, to be forcefully pushed by a popular and politically astute president. I expect Obama's approval ratings to have the usual rise in the polls and I expect the news media to begin to recognize that the public wants this guy to succeed and want his policies to be put into affect.

I have never liked these responses. Didn't like them Democrats. Don't like them from Republicans. I think it is an exercise in time wasting with no meaning what so ever. "Sound and fury signifying nothing." (Thanks Will)

Jindal is speaking only as Governor. He seems to want us to never look into his record as a congressman.

He wants our troops to "stay on the offensive." Under GW Bush that was interpreted to mean Dick Cheney was looking for someplace else to invade.

Republicans favor "universal access to affordable health care."

Jindal pushes standard Republican answer that tax cuts fix everything. He seems to not like "volcano monitoring." I guess he is for government help on hurricanes, but the Americans near volcanoes don't need to know what is coming.

He is using Katrina as an example government can't be relied upon. Never mind that it was his party in charge and a Republican president who ruined FEMA.

"Americans can do anything."

If he is running for president in 2012, he needs to work on his speech delivery.

It's "Bobby Jindal."

Giddy pages are the last people Obama sees as he finally leaves the House chamber.

I predicted it before it was done, I truly did. Okay I didn't blog it, but I did say this would happen fast. A Republican analyst on CNN says "no details." Obama hasn't even left the chamber.

Oh wait, Gov. Jindal is next. Gee, I wonder what he will say.

He is done and now the bloviators of TV take over.

Obama uses patriotic themes to seek to bring divergent folks together rather than in an "us against them" motif.

He is using multiple stories of individuals to illustrate the values he is invoking in this speech and in his policy proposals. "Their resolve must be our inspiration."

Obama enjoys this job.

"Living our values doesn't make our nation weaker, it makes our nation stronger."

Veterans' will be taken care of after they get home. Just as we take care of our forces in the field.

Now for a brief diversion into foreign policy.

Much of the $2 trillion is probably from getting the hell outta Iraq. By the way, the Iraq War is in the President's budget for the first time.

"Identified over $2 trillion dollars in savings over the next decade." Then he mentions wealthy farmers, no-bid contracts and the age old "waste, fraud and abuse."

Republicans start the applause on debt reduction. Never mind the last 8 years.

Service in exchange for college tuition in a bill named for two good friends: Orin Hatch and Teddy Kennedy. They are two of the closest senators and have been for years.

"Every American will need more than a high school diploma" "More than quitting on your school, it is quitting on your country." Great line. Plus, it sounds like a full employment plan for Phd's like me.

Health care tied to deficit reduction as well as other economic needs. If business finally agrees and fights off the health insurers, then real change in health care that finally stops the ridiculous system we have now is possible.

Energy, health care and education are 3 big areas of focus. Invokes Chinese and others to challenge sense of being "#1" on energy.

Activist government on the domestic front is back.

Obama works the room behind a podium in ways few politicians can match. At the same time, he appeals to the TV audience. Enjoy the talent while we have it and watch to see how/if it helps him lead the public and the Congress.

Bashing ludicrous banker spending is popular.

Does anyone else find it amusing to watch members of the Congress read the speech as the President gives it?

For fun, watch when the Supreme Court justices and military officers think it is okay to applaud. They are supposed to stay "non-partisan."

Like many of Obama's big speeches some of the lines are familiar if you been paying attention to what he has been saying leading up to it.

Is the big guy they just showed the Inspector General who is to oversee the stimulus plan spending? He looks like a bouncer.

Mitch McConnell looks like an old man unhappily watching kids playing on his lawn.

Five weeks after inauguration he can speak to a joint session of Congress and start with an accomplish rather than more promises. That folks is a fast start.

"Short term gains were prized over long term prosperity." Like that line.

8:15 Here on I just babble on without time markers until the speech ends.

Speaker Pelosi finally really means it when she says "It is my high honor and distinct privilege to present the President of the United States."

Obama starts speech with acknowledgment to his wife. Nice touch.

8:10 Here comes President Obama.
I still think it is cool to write/hear that.

8:06 Will Chris Matthews comment on Hillary Clinton's clothing tonight as I kept doing during the primaries?
It is fun to see new faces when the president's people come into the House Chamber. No longer a sea of white men. The world can change in marvelous ways and we only see it at moments like this.

8:04 Biggest applause so far is for Justice Ginsburg. Keep fighting Ruth!

7:39 First shot of House chamber shows a member on his Blackerry with thumbs punching away. I now hear this speech may be an hour long. It better be one of his good ones.

7:27 Intentionally missed Al Sharpton. I don't like Al Sharption. It is a dislike that goes back 20 years. Try googling Sharpton and Tawna Brawley or Sharpton and Korean-owned convenience store. You will learn quickly why I don't like him.

7:12 It's Olbermann time. Barney Frank is on about a bank using TARP funds for luxury sponsorships and parties. He's always fun to listen to. I think it is his accent/lisp adding to his sharp sense of humor.

6:45 Preparing for the speech by watching last night's "Daily Show."

6:32 I will blog during the speech and probably some of the pre- and post-cable babbling. This is just for entertainment purposes only.

Coming Attractions

I'm live blogging the speech tonight on a site for my students. I'll transfer the results over here after I am done.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Soon my 11th Super Bowl party will begin. It is not a big, boisterous affair. Just several friends bringing food and gathering with me to share the experience of watching the game. Yes, we do watch the game. I'm a true football fan so the game is central not a sideline at my party.

I started this to get through Super Bowl 32 between Green Bay and Denver. I didn't much like Green Bay and I hate the Bronocs so invited people to come watch with me. The number and actual people invited has varied a bit (I think only one perosn has attended them all besides me), but the goal is the same: have fun no matter what happens in the game.

Sometimes we have folks rooting for one team or another. Sometimes we have to find something more interesting than the game. Every time it has been a great time. That's why I keep doing it. Last year was our first HD game. Soon, that won't be a big deal.

One day the streak will end. You see there is one rule about this party. It is off if my beloved Chiefs make the Super Bowl. No one will won't to be around me on that day. I made my family nuts in 1970 waiting for Super Bowl 4 and the game wasn't an evening event then. I will be impossible when they finally get back (and they will get back).

Until then, the party is on.